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- Ultimate Power Tips 1.0A (c) 1992 Scanlon Enterprises
- Table of Contents
- This is a guide for your convience. Each entry in the Ultimate
- Power Tips, has a title. These titles are list here, along with
- the catagory, that title appears in. Since there was NOT room on
- a line to include the title, plus the full catagory name, we
- have used short abbreviated catagory names. The following is a
- cross reference to those shortened names.
- Full Catagory Name Abbreviation Used
- Roll Your Own Utilities Script
- Database Tips Database
- DOS and Batch File Tips DOS
- Spreadsheet Tips Spread
- Viruses and Other Matters Virus
- Windows Tips Windows
- Wordprocessing Tips WP
- Printer, Modem and Other Tips Misc.
- We have included TWO table of content sections, one will be by
- catagory, the other by title .
- Table of Contents by Catagory
- Title Catagory
- Get Available Memory Quickly Script
- Num Lock Off Script
- Faster Repeat Keys Script
- Lost Cursor Recovery Script
- Comparing The Size of Two Files Script
- Combining the DOS Environment, With Keyboard Input Script
- The Forgotten Rename Feature Script
- Enhance Your dBase Logic Field Usage Database
- Add Printer Codes for Better-Looking dBase Output Database
- Paradox Shortcut, Pick Your Own Editor Database
- dBase & Foxbase do Multiline Reporting Database
- From a Table to a Form Database
- Making a Form Your Own Database
- Copy a Calculated Field in Paradox Database
- Multi-Config for Q&A Database
- Getting the Right Record With DBase III Plus Database
- Duplicating Paradox Entries Database
- Effective Data Base Reports Database
- Naming Reports As You Print Them Database
- Reporting From a Paradox Query Database
- Getting More Memory From DOS DOS
- Smoother DOS DOS
- Easy Disk Transfer DOS
- Batch File, Know Thy Self DOS
- The Invisible DOS TYPE Command DOS
- Use Your Computer as a Typewriter DOS
- Protecting System Files From Accidental Deletion DOS
- Easy On-Line Reminders DOS
- Determining Your Rom Bios Date DOS
- A Quicker Exit DOS
- The Shell in the Shell DOS
- Avoiding Double DOS Prompts DOS
- Where's That Ram DOS
- ATTRIB to the Rescue! DOS
- A Different DOS Backup System, for FREE DOS
- Stop Struggling With The DOS Format Command DOS
- FREE File Viewer From DOS DOS
- Glean More Ram For Your Applications DOS
- Batch Files That Count DOS
- DOS 5.0 CHKDSK Meanings DOS
- Emergency Disks DOS
- This will lowlevel format an XT machine. DOS
- Directory Navigation Shortcuts DOS
- Batch File CALLS Using DOS Before Version 3.3 DOS
- Nested Batch Files Save Time DOS
- Fast Navigation in 1-2-3 Spread
- Fast Navigation in 1-2-3 Spread
- Highlight Key Data in 1-2-3 Spread
- To Cell and Back with 1-2-3 Spread
- Peruse and Use Faraway 1-2-3 Cells Spread
- Revealing 1-2-3 Formulas Spread
- 1-2-3 Copy Controls Cursors Spread
- List 1-2-3 Named Ranges Spread
- Find Optimal Solutions With What-If Solver Spread
- Spruce Up Your Charts With Text and Labels Spread
- Getting Weekdays into Your Spreadsheet Spread
- Smart Consolidations Spread
- Speed Up Your Macros With ECHO Spread
- Getting the Right Results With Visual Rounding Spread
- Quick Totals for 1-2-3 Spread
- Check Behind Lotus Express Spread
- Streamline Excel Macros With Subroutines Spread
- Ranking Values With Excel Spread
- Setting Date Formats in Worksheet Headers and Footers Spread
- The Last Day of the Month Spread
- Has Your Computer Been Attacked by a Virus ? Virus
- Save yourself a possible repair bill, with this tip. Virus
- Before You Take That Dead Computer in to the Shop Virus
- Save yourself an embarrassment and some heavy fines. Virus
- Software Police Virus
- A sample Corporate Employee Software Agreement Virus
- Having The Right System Windows
- Printing Windows 3.x Colors in Black and White Windows
- Choose your Files in Windows 3.0 Windows
- Garbage in, Garbage out with Windows 3.0 Windows
- Using Windows' Task List for Easy Application Switching Windows
- Preserving Your Windows 3.x Desktop Windows
- Browsing Windows 3.x Directories With File Search Windows
- Faster Disk Copy in Windows Windows
- Getting Past the Windows 3.x Logo Windows
- Shape up Those Windows Group Icons Windows
- Self-Stick Wallpaper for Windows 3.x Windows
- DOS Windows Front and Center Windows
- Switching Screen Modes in Windows 3.x Windows
- Nice Moves in Windows 3.0 Windows
- Avoiding The "EMM386 Exception 56" Error Windows
- Are You Too Slow For Windows? Windows
- Printing Woes Windows
- Using Dot Matrix Printers in Landscape Mode Windows
- Unwanted WIN.INI Settings Windows
- ClipBoard Saves Windows
- Quick Task Switching in Windows Windows
- DOS and WINDOWS Printer Battles Windows
- 300 DPI Printing From Windows Windows
- Smartdrive Limits Windows
- Windows Doesn't Use All of Your Expanded Memory Windows
- Multiple Display Drivers For Windows Windows
- Adding an Icon to SysEdit Windows
- Windows NotePad Searches and Replaces Windows
- Faster Windows Loading, Without the Logo Windows
- Creating High-Impact Documents and Presentations WP
- Desk Top Publishing Definitions WP
- Tag WordPerfect Files WP
- Sneaky Deletions in Word WP
- Better Printer Control With XyWrite III WP
- Applications Load Files Automatically WP
- Quick Text Moves in WordPerfect WP
- Repeat Macros in WordPerfect WP
- Correct Your WordStar Dictionary WP
- Speedy Text Moves Between WordStar Windows WP
- WordStar Macros at Your Fingertips WP
- Draw WordPerfect Lines Last WP
- Handy WordPerfect 5.0 Directory Lists WP
- WordPerfect Automatic Footnote Creation WP
- Custom Footnote and Endnote Text WP
- Print Odd or Even Pages WP
- Finagling Fonts in MicroSoft Word WP
- Inserting Spaces Using WordPerfect WP
- Index concordance Macro WP
- Index and Table of Contents Macro for Word WP
- Inserting Captions in Ventura an PageMaker WP
- Importing 1-2-3 Worksheets in WordStar WP
- Case Shifting in WordPerfect WP
- Finding a File Using Word WP
- More Ways to Delete With WordPerfect WP
- Synonym Searches With Word WP
- WordPerfect Thesaurus Navigation WP
- Flip-Flop WordStar Menus WP
- Repeating Text in WordPerfect 5.0 WP
- Dating Letters Automatically WP
- Backtrack Dialog Boxes With Ventura Publisher WP
- One Step to PageMaker and File WP
- Printing Overlays With PageMaker WP
- Menus Without a Mouse in WordPerfect WP
- Restoring Normal Font in Word For Windows WP
- Snappy Quarters and Halves for WordPerfect WP
- Shrinking Your PageMaker Files WP
- Case of the Disappearing Word 5.0 Headers WP
- The Ventura Dialog Box Two-Step WP
- No-Sweat WordPerfect Line-Height Adjustment WP
- Fast WordPerfect Dot Leaders WP
- Watch Those WordStar Wild-Card Deletes WP
- DisplayWrite Text Searches With Norton Utilities WP
- Revealing Tab Settings in WordPerfect WP
- Quick Bullets for WordPerfect WP
- Scaling Bit Mapped Graphics in Ventura WP
- Print a Block WP
- Vertical Centering in Word WP
- Better Pop Up Calculator WP
- Useful Block Commands WP
- PageMaker Does Large Fonts WP
- Documents in Living Color WP
- System Security Misc.
- External Modems Light Up Misc.
- Power Definitions Misc.
- Money-Saving Protocols Misc.
- Now You See It With Procomm Misc.
- Procomm's Handy On-Line Log Misc.
- Speedy Norton Menus Misc.
- From the Oven to the Laser Misc.
- Norton MCI From Anywhere Misc.
- LaserJet Toner Down but NOT out Misc.
- Easy Exchange Between Compuserve and MCI Mail Misc.
- Crosstalk's Screen Snapshots Misc.
- Run Programs Full Screen Under Desqview Misc.
- Speeding Modem Dialing Through Office PBX's Misc.
- Swap Mouse Buttons Misc.
- Easy LaserJet Printing With Norton Utilities Misc.
- Chameleon PaintBrush Misc.
- Modem Trick, Don't Compress Compressed Files Misc.
- DeskJet 80 Column Help Misc.
- ProComm and Auto Scripts Misc.
- Pascal TypeCasting Misc.
- The Traveling Laptop Misc.
- Alternate Power Misc.
- Table of Contents by Title
- Title Catagory
- 1-2-3 Copy Controls Cursors Spread
- 300 DPI Printing From Windows Windows
- A Different DOS Backup System, for FREE DOS
- A Quicker Exit DOS
- A sample Corporate Employee Software Agreement Virus
- ATTRIB to the Rescue! DOS
- Add Printer Codes for Better-Looking dBase Output Database
- Adding an Icon to SysEdit Windows
- Alternate Power Misc.
- Applications Load Files Automatically WP
- Are You Too Slow For Windows? Windows
- Avoiding Double DOS Prompts DOS
- Avoiding The "EMM386 Exception 56" Error Windows
- Backtrack Dialog Boxes With Ventura Publisher WP
- Batch File CALLS Using DOS Before Version 3.3 DOS
- Batch File, Know Thy Self DOS
- Batch Files That Count DOS
- Before You Take That Dead Computer in to the Shop Virus
- Better Pop Up Calculator WP
- Better Printer Control With XyWrite III WP
- Browsing Windows 3.x Directories With File Search Windows
- Case Shifting in WordPerfect WP
- Case of the Disappearing Word 5.0 Headers WP
- Chameleon PaintBrush Misc.
- Check Behind Lotus Express Spread
- Choose your Files in Windows 3.0 Windows
- ClipBoard Saves Windows
- Combining the DOS Environment, With Keyboard Input Script
- Comparing The Size of Two Files Script
- Copy a Calculated Field in Paradox Database
- Correct Your WordStar Dictionary WP
- Creating High-Impact Documents and Presentations WP
- Crosstalk's Screen Snapshots Misc.
- Custom Footnote and Endnote Text WP
- DOS 5.0 CHKDSK Meanings DOS
- DOS Windows Front and Center Windows
- DOS and WINDOWS Printer Battles Windows
- Dating Letters Automatically WP
- Desk Top Publishing Definitions WP
- DeskJet 80 Column Help Misc.
- Determining Your Rom Bios Date DOS
- Directory Navigation Shortcuts DOS
- DisplayWrite Text Searches With Norton Utilities WP
- Documents in Living Color WP
- Draw WordPerfect Lines Last WP
- Duplicating Paradox Entries Database
- Easy Disk Transfer DOS
- Easy Exchange Between Compuserve and MCI Mail Misc.
- Easy LaserJet Printing With Norton Utilities Misc.
- Easy On-Line Reminders DOS
- Effective Data Base Reports Database
- Emergency Disks DOS
- Enhance Your dBase Logic Field Usage Database
- External Modems Light Up Misc.
- FREE File Viewer From DOS DOS
- Fast Navigation in 1-2-3 Spread
- Fast Navigation in 1-2-3 Spread
- Fast WordPerfect Dot Leaders WP
- Faster Disk Copy in Windows Windows
- Faster Repeat Keys Script
- Faster Windows Loading, Without the Logo Windows
- Finagling Fonts in MicroSoft Word WP
- Find Optimal Solutions With What-If Solver Spread
- Finding a File Using Word WP
- Flip-Flop WordStar Menus WP
- From a Table to a Form Database
- From the Oven to the Laser Misc.
- Garbage in, Garbage out with Windows 3.0 Windows
- Get Available Memory Quickly Script
- Getting More Memory From DOS DOS
- Getting Past the Windows 3.x Logo Windows
- Getting Weekdays into Your Spreadsheet Spread
- Getting the Right Record With DBase III Plus Database
- Getting the Right Results With Visual Rounding Spread
- Glean More Ram For Your Applications DOS
- Handy WordPerfect 5.0 Directory Lists WP
- Has Your Computer Been Attacked by a Virus ? Virus
- Having The Right System Windows
- Highlight Key Data in 1-2-3 Spread
- Importing 1-2-3 Worksheets in WordStar WP
- Index and Table of Contents Macro for Word WP
- Index concordance Macro WP
- Inserting Captions in Ventura an PageMaker WP
- Inserting Spaces Using WordPerfect WP
- LaserJet Toner Down but NOT out Misc.
- List 1-2-3 Named Ranges Spread
- Lost Cursor Recovery Script
- Making a Form Your Own Database
- Menus Without a Mouse in WordPerfect WP
- Modem Trick, Don't Compress Compressed Files Misc.
- Money-Saving Protocols Misc.
- More Ways to Delete With WordPerfect WP
- Multi-Config for Q&A Database
- Multiple Display Drivers For Windows Windows
- Naming Reports As You Print Them Database
- Nested Batch Files Save Time DOS
- Nice Moves in Windows 3.0 Windows
- No-Sweat WordPerfect Line-Height Adjustment WP
- Norton MCI From Anywhere Misc.
- Now You See It With Procomm Misc.
- Num Lock Off Script
- One Step to PageMaker and File WP
- PageMaker Does Large Fonts WP
- Paradox Shortcut, Pick Your Own Editor Database
- Pascal TypeCasting Misc.
- Peruse and Use Faraway 1-2-3 Cells Spread
- Power Definitions Misc.
- Preserving Your Windows 3.x Desktop Windows
- Print Odd or Even Pages WP
- Print a Block WP
- Printing Overlays With PageMaker WP
- Printing Windows 3.x Colors in Black and White Windows
- Printing Woes Windows
- ProComm and Auto Scripts Misc.
- Procomm's Handy On-Line Log Misc.
- Protecting System Files From Accidental Deletion DOS
- Quick Bullets for WordPerfect WP
- Quick Task Switching in Windows Windows
- Quick Text Moves in WordPerfect WP
- Quick Totals for 1-2-3 Spread
- Ranking Values With Excel Spread
- Repeat Macros in WordPerfect WP
- Repeating Text in WordPerfect 5.0 WP
- Reporting From a Paradox Query Database
- Restoring Normal Font in Word For Windows WP
- Revealing 1-2-3 Formulas Spread
- Revealing Tab Settings in WordPerfect WP
- Run Programs Full Screen Under Desqview Misc.
- Save yourself a possible repair bill, with this tip. Virus
- Save yourself an embarrassment and some heavy fines. Virus
- Scaling Bit Mapped Graphics in Ventura WP
- Self-Stick Wallpaper for Windows 3.x Windows
- Setting Date Formats in Worksheet Headers and Footers Spread
- Shape up Those Windows Group Icons Windows
- Shrinking Your PageMaker Files WP
- Smart Consolidations Spread
- Smartdrive Limits Windows
- Smoother DOS DOS
- Snappy Quarters and Halves for WordPerfect WP
- Sneaky Deletions in Word WP
- Software Police Virus
- Speed Up Your Macros With ECHO Spread
- Speeding Modem Dialing Through Office PBX's Misc.
- Speedy Norton Menus Misc.
- Speedy Text Moves Between WordStar Windows WP
- Spruce Up Your Charts With Text and Labels Spread
- Stop Struggling With The DOS Format Command DOS
- Streamline Excel Macros With Subroutines Spread
- Swap Mouse Buttons Misc.
- Switching Screen Modes in Windows 3.x Windows
- Synonym Searches With Word WP
- System Security Misc.
- Tag WordPerfect Files WP
- The Forgotten Rename Feature Script
- The Invisible DOS TYPE Command DOS
- The Last Day of the Month Spread
- The Shell in the Shell DOS
- The Traveling Laptop Misc.
- The Ventura Dialog Box Two-Step WP
- This will lowlevel format an XT machine. DOS
- To Cell and Back with 1-2-3 Spread
- Unwanted WIN.INI Settings Windows
- Use Your Computer as a Typewriter DOS
- Useful Block Commands WP
- Using Dot Matrix Printers in Landscape Mode Windows
- Using Windows' Task List for Easy Application Switching Windows
- Vertical Centering in Word WP
- Watch Those WordStar Wild-Card Deletes WP
- Where's That Ram DOS
- Windows Doesn't Use All of Your Expanded Memory Windows
- Windows NotePad Searches and Replaces Windows
- WordPerfect Automatic Footnote Creation WP
- WordPerfect Thesaurus Navigation WP
- WordStar Macros at Your Fingertips WP
- dBase & Foxbase do Multiline Reporting Database